counterstrike, DDR, Fist of the North Star, Bleach, street fighter, FMA, and too many more to even count. this flash is awesome. i dont think there is anything left to say. just awesome.
counterstrike, DDR, Fist of the North Star, Bleach, street fighter, FMA, and too many more to even count. this flash is awesome. i dont think there is anything left to say. just awesome.
perhaps its time to do this for real. while newgrounds is a great place to hang out it has attracted a large quantity of "bad cats". perhaps we should close the portal and let other sites develop instead of continually increasing the size of the over feed newgrounds. dont get me wrong its a woundiful place but some of the places are starting to smell.
well that was my 2 cents. the story was remarkably brillant, excellent animation, probably get a better micro phone (it maybe just me but the voices were a little crackily) but that diddn't impeed the awesomeness that this golden flash is encrusted in.
its always the last button those damn flannelette. its a good advertisement for the NG store they should put this up on other sites to promote interest. i also liked th cock jokes on the tankmen box :D
hay i know that thread
lolz i got the original legendary thread as well. i always thought the stuff on 4chan should be made in to flash movies. there are some truly classic comics and pics that if animated would exhale awesome.
im surprised this got turd of the week, there are so many more flash that are much deserving of this...award? but anyway this is just a test movie so i dont know why people give it just 0's and im even more distanced from those who give it 10. anyway good for you bob good for you.
"Apathetic brilliance"
What B represents is the desire for fame without the effort involved.
Strawberryclock has created something that defies the very laws of the portal; something that despite its lacking nature has become iconic as a symbol, enjoying extraordinary renown. In a way B epitomises the dying creative drive of the internet, the obsession that "Crap is good". Whilst many will strive to replicate B, to create something of unjustified popularity, no-one can hope to match Strawberryclocks anarchic creation.
Where then, does its appeal lie? Why is B revered so? Surely, it is no more than a red B on a white page? Consider for a second that Strawberryclock made B with the intention of showing us something about ourselves. The B is the only object on a fully white canvas, the only object tainting an otherwise unmarred view. The B becomes the focal point, tearing us away from the white surroundings with its slightly off-centre alignment. this shows Strawberryclock not to be a perfectionist: his B does not need to be in the centre of the screen, does not need to dominate the entire view of the canvas. Indeed, it is our own choosing to focus on the letter, when there's an entire canvas to be explored, blank or not.
Secondly, the B is a red, serif letter. The colour red holds obvious denotations such as blood and mortality, whilst the spiky protrusions of its serif nature gives it a majestic, almost demonic look. This dominating letter is the only obscurity in a white expanse, the only object preventing a pure, white existence. This represents the evil in all of us, the problems that stop us being virtuous, faithful entities. Indeed, we all have our own B's preventing us being pure and good.
Thirdly, B's appeal lies in its status and indeed, the fact of its mere existence. Here we observe something that simply shouldn't be, something that should have been voted out of existence soon after its creation. But it didn't, and even B's most harsh critics must admire and respect that immortal tenaciousness.
It is this immortality that is both B's appeal and its scariest feature. Yes, B shall last forever in the expanse of cyberspace, and by watching it and commenting on it we can all share in that immortality, that certainty that B shall last forever in the coding of the internet. However, B's existence is like a stone thrown in a perfectly still lake, and the ripples are still being felt. Still people live off of Strawberryclock, try to leech some of that inexplicable fame. And why? Because B shows us our own mortality. B shall always exist in some form on the internet long after we watching it have died. B has succeeded where we have failed. It shall live forever.
Therefore, perhaps if we could drag the letter B out of the way and see what was behind it, we would see a mass of eager flash animators, anxious to be noticed behind the dominating B.
We are, all of us, living in the shadow of B.
seriously make a 4th one
what should be said has been said, but what should be done has been left undone! if you make a 4th decline you will make me and 1,527,997 other people very very happy
great theme tuneand very impressive video editing skills the quality was superb.
is it just me or is the world about to end?
Age 35, Male
Lord of the Universe
SA , South Australia
Joined on 8/16/05